We are cordially invites you to participate in our art and writing competition “Art for Awareness 2021”, with a thought provoking theme.
Humanity is regressing today. Whatever steps we take forward, they take us back as human beings. The basic aim of the event is to promote the awareness to extend unconditional love to each and every living being on Earth. This competition will help raise awareness about the dignity and rights of humans. With reference to aesthetic approach here, calling students of all level to get ready to participate in
Activity 1: Poster Making (Photo Collage) (KG-2)
Topic: “Save the Humans”
• Collect images according to said topic create a beautiful Photo collage / use digital art take out colour print with a message to save Humans and send us ( hard copy only)
Activity 2: Drawing/Painting Contest (3-6)
Topic: “Human Dignity”
• ,Use pencil/marker colours, water , poster or acrylic colours
Activity 3: Creative Writing Contest (6-9)
Topic: “The greatest threat to humanity”
• Write an easy in typing or hand written form up to 150 words.
Activity 4: (6-9)
Submission Guidelines, Rules and Regulations
• Use A-4 size paper for all activities (drawing/writing)
• All entries must be original works, in English. Plagiarism, which includes the use of poetry, song lyrics, characters or another person's ideas are acceptable.
• Excessive violence, sex or religious extremism, determined by the judges, will result in disqualification.
• Entries may not have been previously published in professional media.
• Entries could be submitted in electronic media in MS Word format only (with Font size 12)
• In hand written works do follow the nelson’s script, and use blue ink pen or led pencil, avoid using the ballpoints.